Apr 15Liked by Your Radical Next Door

I can only agree with you on this. The only winners to come out of the occupation of Afghanistan were the companies supplying the military equipment and the contractors on the ground. I heard this was to the tune of $1 trillion.

Over on 'The Great Simplification' podcast, there is an interview with Chuck Watson, previously an adviser to the U.S. government, who describes the concept of 'Risk Homeostatis' in relation to nuclear war. His argument is that people in general downplay the risk in their minds because a nuclear warhead hasn't been used for almost 80 years. We've got away with it so far, despite a few incidents which brought us close. The politicians who were around at the time of the cold war, when scenarios were played out showing the likelihood of all out conflict, are no longer in the game, and the current ones largely don't get it.

Personally, I don't think wars are inevitable, and given our current level of technology we need the imagination to find more evolved ways to deal with our differences. The risks are too great.

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